실제 600-101덤프 - 2023년에 업데이트 된 Facebook 정답 [Q28-Q42]

7월 9, 2023 0 댓글

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Use Real 600-101 Dumps – Facebook Correct Answers updated on 2023

Facebook Certified Professional 600-101 Exam Practice Dumps

The Facebook 600-101 Exam is a certification program designed for those interested in becoming a Facebook Certified Community Manager. The certification exam focuses on testing the candidate’s knowledge of community building, engagement, and management strategies on Facebook. This exam is a great way for individuals to showcase their skills and knowledge in managing Facebook communities effectively.


NO.28 A newly appointed community manager learns of a conflict regarding a post in the community. This community has recently added new guidelines stating that only links from credible sources are allowed. Several members start to post links on the thread from unreliable sources, and other members are starting to get upset. The post has been reported several times. The community manager wants to educate the community about the new guidelines.
커뮤니티 관리자가 취해야 할 두 가지 조치는 무엇인가요? (2가지 선택)


NO.29 The community manager of a professional networking group hosts an annual in-person event. The community needs to rapidly transition the event to an online environment.
What should the community manager do to keep people engaged during the online event?


NO.30 A well-known women’s fashion brand has a significant online presence and a strong customer base in the 50-65 age group. To attract a younger demographic, the company contracts with a famous designer to launch a new line, which launches in one month.
Which two actions should the community manager take to increase brand awareness? (Choose 2)


NO.31 A company offers marketing training for a monthly fee. In addition to training, paying members are given access to an exclusive online community to connect with their peers. The community is very active, and members report they are getting value from the group. However, the CEO is concerned that the community does not increase revenue or decrease cost for the company and is considering closing the community aspect of the offer.
What action should the community manager take to build a case for keeping the community open?


NO.32 유명한 유명인 커뮤니티 회원이 정치적 토론이 포함된 게시물을 허용하지 않는 그룹 규칙을 위반했습니다. 이 그룹에서 게시글 승인이 켜져 있습니다.
이 커뮤니티 회원이 게시물을 제출한 것은 이번이 처음이며, 커뮤니티 회원이 운영원칙을 위반한 것은 이번이 처음입니다.
이 상황에서 커뮤니티 관리자가 그룹 문화를 유지하기 위해 취할 수 있는 두 가지 조치는 무엇인가요? (2가지 선택)


NO.33 A personal trainer wants to grow their online presence. To generate more leads, they create a Facebook Page, a Facebook group and an Instagram profile.
However, the trainer struggles to manage this social media marketing, because of the time required to create content and promote each platform. The results are simply not worth the investment of time. The Instagram profile generates the most reach, while the Facebook group gets the most engagement. The trainer contacts a community manager for help to determine which of the platforms to focus on.
Which critical piece of information does the community manager need to make this decision?


NO.34 In an established community, members have been posting the same questions repeatedly.
Which three group tools should be used to help members find the answers they are looking for more easily? (Choose 3)


NO.35 The management team of a mobile app has expectations of maintaining a high level of efficiency. A community member of a group for the app has posted the same question several times over the past few weeks. The team has responded several times that the solution for that problem is still being developed. The member has started to repeatedly ask the same question in comments on unrelated posts.
The community manager needs to ensure this community member does not negatively affect other members.
How should the community manager proceed?


NO.36 한부모를 주로 지원하는 온라인 커뮤니티가 있습니다. 리더십 팀은 고립감에 대한 부모들의 이야기를 더 많이 접하게 되었습니다. 이 커뮤니티의 최우선 과제 중 하나는 지리적으로 가까운 곳에 있는 부모들을 연결하는 것입니다.
커뮤니티 관리자는 외로운 부모님들 간의 관계를 형성하기 위해 무엇을 할 수 있나요?


NO.37 The leaders of an organization in Chicago that supports new mothers decide to create an online community to help expand their fundraising opportunities. They plan to take advantage of an upcoming baby show to grow this community at a faster pace.
Which three recommendations should the community manager provide the organization when they create this online community? (Choose 3)


NO.38 A pharmaceutical brand announces a new drug to stop the spread of a major disease. After the brand shares a press release on its social channels, 10 people claim that another one of the brand’s drugs causes serious side effects. A health reporter for a major newspaper picks up the story and shares the comments on their own channel. Dozens of additional relevant comments are shared on the brand’s press release post. Leadership asks the community manager to document organic, relevant comments over the next two weeks.
Which course of action should the community manager take to efficiently monitor the conversation for potential escalations?


NO.39 A community manager runs a group for a local rugby team. The group only allows current and former team members to join. A request from an 11-year-old player is declined. The player complains and claims that the community manager is discriminating against them.
커뮤니티 관리자는 어떻게 해야 하나요?


NO.40 포용적인 축구 선수 커뮤니티가 시민상을 수상하여 커뮤니티 매니저를 고용할 수 있는 수입을 얻었습니다. 커뮤니티 회원 중 상당수가 시각 장애가 있습니다.
새로 고용된 커뮤니티 관리자가 커뮤니티 참여를 유도하기 위해 취해야 할 활동은 다음 중 두 가지인가요? (2가지 선택)


NO.41 A community manager of a tech startup wants to develop new customer acquisition channels. The startup has a Facebook Page and an Instagram account with a combined reach of 80,000.
The chief marketing officer of the startup directs the community manager to research how to launch a podcast. The startup has not previously used podcasts.
Which first step should the community manager take?


NO.42 A community manager for a national chain department store has many internal stakeholders to manage, particularly across the departments of home and garden, men’s fashion and women’s fashion, which represent the highest sales volume.
The community manager needs to create a monthly content calendar that includes posts that represent each department.
What should the community manager do first?


Get ready to pass the 600-101 Exam right now using our Facebook Certified Professional Exam Package: https://www.topexamcollection.com/600-101-vce-collection.html


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