AD0-E704 考试试卷、AD0-E704 实践测试问题 [Q50-Q65]

12 月 24, 2022 0 条评论


AD0-E704 Exam Dumps, AD0-E704 Practice Test Questions

PDF (New 2022) Actual Adobe AD0-E704 Exam Questions

Prerequisite for the Adobe AD0-E704: Adobe Certified Master Magento Commerce Architect Exam

No additional accreditation or examination is necessary prior to the Adobe Certification Examination. You also have understanding about subconscious Adobe Cloud Certifications. Adobe Cloud campaign requires the candidate to have experience in data administration, business needs interpretation, online technology and registrations central database objectives. The examination will be focused on 60 MCQ questions and many choices. The maximum time will be 2 hours. The scores for obtaining the certification criteria are 62%. Good scores can achieve with the help of Adobe AD0-E704 exam dumps.

We will study how to manage, generate, process and disseminate digital assertions in this Certification. In addition, we study the idea of AEM content creation. How to get involved and create engaging tactics. You will have expertise in the use of social features, operate online in a business marker and learn to handle the security problem. How to administer the program and acquire mobile app content abilities in AEM. Get the skills in program management and develop, implement and maintain digital forms. The certification of Adobe Experience Platform enables us to grasp the Adobe Software requirements and system. It helps to digitize our abilities and provides us with a framework where we can operate somewhere and every time. It enables us to offer the customer with premium delivery services. You may start your successful journey on this route. This qualification benefits from the fact that you acquire abilities and become an experienced Adobe specialist and become a managing director on the online market. Adobe AD0-E704 exam dumps guarantee the required marks in the examination because these exam dumps explains all the concepts. The Adobe Qualified Professional program uses the same state-of-the-art live tests as the Adobe Certified Associate program. All legitimate ACA certificates gained via live-in-the-application examinations will automatically return for the rest of a three-year term to the Adobe Certified Professional title in June 2021. If your ACA accreditation is scheduled to expire until June 2021 or if you have been certified via simulator, you will require a live-on-the-app examination to recertify. Register now for a Pro Tools such as after-effects examination through future media concepts for early access to the Adobe Certified Professional program.


问题 50
You defined a custom layout file 1column-2footers.xml under /view/frontend/layouts.xml. Now, what is the conventional path to creating the custom layout file 1column-2footers.xml?


问题 51
You are working on a project with custom code located in an observer MyCompanyMyModuleObserverCustom on the catalog_product_load_before event. How do you prevent your custom observer from being executed on a staging preview?


问题 52
You are starting a project and realized you need to clean the content of a container. How do you achieve this?


问题 53
You are implementing a requirement to exclude all shipping rates less than $50 if there is a specific product in the shopping cart. How do you do this?


问题 54
You need to include the customer account menu on a custom storefront page, but only when the method MyCompany\lyModuleViewModelMyView: :hasCustomerMenu() returns true. How do you accomplish this?


问题 55
To prevent Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks, Magento templates use different methods to escape the output on the website before displaying it to the user. What three methods does Magento use to prevent this kind of attack?


问题 56
You are working on a module MyCompany_MyModule which adds a select attribute with a few options using the MagentoEavSetupEavSetup: :addAttribute() method in data in data install script.
There is no uninstall script. While debugging, you have uninstalled the module with the command:
bin magento module:uninstall MyCompany_MyModule
Then you reinstalled the module. What will be the effect on the attribute?


问题 57
Consider below code in a UiComponent xml file: MagedealEmployeeUiDataProviderEmployeeDataProvider employee_data_source entity_id id What is the application of


问题 58
You are reviewing a custom observer for the event sales_order_save_after which is fired when an order is placed on the storefront. The observer is sending a remote request to an analytics system with the order data.
What issue may this observer cause?


问题 59
You are troubleshooting an issue where a related product rule is not showing the product expected by a user. You run this command:
bin magento cache:clean target_rule
What impact does this have?


问题 60
You need to create a Magento CLI command to return information from the system. What two steps are necessary?


问题 61
Suppose you are asked to disable/remove the customer review related functionalities. You can not disable the review module directly because the customer module depends on it. What is the possible way to remove all HTML outputs of the review module, from the frontend and backend? :


问题 62
A sample routes.xml looks like

What is the effect of the before attribute?


问题 63
OrangeCompany decided to build a REST API based module in the application so that he can share the details of best-selling products to his franchisee. To make it’s flexible and customizable in the future, he advised his developers to enable the support of extension_attribute in the API interface so that any new attributes can be added when required. What is the way to enable the entity/interface to support extension attributes in the module?


问题 64
Suppose, you need to create custom configuration file called search.xml, in the a custommodule under etc/. Which steps are needed to achieve this:


问题 65
When your class will be instantiated all the dependencies injected in your class constructor will also get instantiated, and it will trigger a chain reaction of object creation, this can really slow down the process. What could be the solution of above problem?


Updated Dec-2022 Pass AD0-E704 Exam – Real Practice Test Questions:



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