Which of the following tools and techniques is used in the Develop Project Team process?
説明する: Team-Building Activities
Team-building activities can vary from a 5-minute agenda item in a status review meeting to an off-site, professionally facilitated experience designed to improve interpersonal relationships. The objective of team-building activities is to help individual team members work together effectively. Team-building strategies are particularly valuable when team members operate from remote locations without the beneft of face-to-face contact. Informal communication and activities can help in building trust and establishing good working relationships.
As an ongoing process, team building is crucial to project success. While team building is essential during the initial stages of a project, it is a never-ending process. Changes in a project environment are inevitable, and to manage them effectively, a continued or a renewed team-building effort should be applied. The project manager should continually monitor team functionality and performance to determine if any actions are needed to prevent or correct various team problems.
チーム開発を説明するために使用されるモデルの1つに、タックマンラダーがある(Tuckman, 1965; Tuckman
Jensen, 1977)には、チームが経験する5つの発展段階が示されています。これらのステージは順番に起こるのが一般的だが、チームが特定のステージで行き詰まったり、以前のステージにスリップしたりすることも珍しくない。過去に一緒に仕事をしたメンバーがいるプロジェクトでは、ステージをスキップすることもある。
typically occurs when staff is released from the project as deliverables are completed or as part of carrying out the Close Project or Phase process (Section 4.6). The duration of a particular stage depends upon team dynamics, team size, and team leadership. Project managers should have a good understanding of team dynamics in order to move their team members through all stages in an effective manner.
9.3 Develop Project Team
Definition: The process of improving competencies, team member interaction, and overall team environment to enhance project performance.
Key Benefit: The key benefit of this process is that it results in improved teamwork, enhanced people skills and competencies, motivated employees, reduced staff turnover rates, and improved overall project performance.
2. Project staff assignments
3. Resource calendars
1. Interpersonal skills
2. Training
3. Team-building activities
4. Ground rules
5. Colocation
6. Recognition and rewards
7. Personnel assessment tools
1. Team performance assessments
2. Enterprise environmental factors updates